Monday, April 6, 2009

Are You Afraid of Getting Fired?

It seems like every day on the news you hear about the rising of the unemployment rate. Although this is a fact, this information does nothing to encourage confidence. Instead, it just breeds more fear.

According to the numbers I looked at, the highest figures since 1948 were in 1982 and 1983. For ten straight months, from September of 1982 to June of 1983, unemployment stayed above 10%. It got as high as 10.8%. But, we survived.

As a result of the numerous layoffs, many of those who are currently employed have a lot of worry and fear of losing their jobs. This is bringing a lot of stress to the workplace. The result is less productivity, more work related accidents, and even physical health issues.

According to a 2003 study on the physical and mental health effects of surviving layoffs, published by the Institute of Behavioral Science, people who remain employed are "prone

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