Saturday, April 11, 2009

Integrity is the Number #1 Ingredient to Double Your Income

A successful business man was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor to take over the business. Instead of choosing one of his Directors or his children, he decided to do something different. He called all

Conscious Entrepreneur - Being Your Authentic Self in Business

Authenticity in business is going to be the only way to thrive as our business climate continues to evolve and transform along with the rest of our world. I'm sure you can feel this shift happening on multiple levels as news of the "real" world clearly indicates (as Rev. Michael Beckwith says) a BIRTHQUAKE is happening.

And, in the birthing of a new way of life on planet Earth, for those who choose to be part of this evolution and part of the change that causes a positive transformation... it's going to be essential that you stay grounded in your authentic self, and remain true to who you Divinely are.

So, who are you? And, how is your authentic self expressed? For me, I believe this boils down to one thing that lives inside all of us, and that is LOVE!

Think about this for a moment. What would our financial/business world look like today if everyone in business operated from a place of love? It's easy to imagine, as it would likely be the exact opposite of the large scale demise we're seeing in the traditional "old paradigm" of business. Yes, what would be possible for our world if business were truly based on love?

I can tell you from my own experience the more I bring love into my business, (and the way I express myself through my business), the more success I enjoy, the more fulfilled my clients feel, the more growth and understanding I embrace, the more resources manifest, the more energy I experience, the more grace I feel, the more I love myself... as the cycle of love spirals upward again.

Now, I understand you may be wondering exactly how love shows up in my business, so let me share an example with you that I think will drive home this important point.

Loving My Audience

As I sat a few weeks ago at the speaker's table in the back of David Neagle's seminar room, I felt a nudge inside of me. The nudge said to completely dismiss the talk I had prepared to give that night. "What? Are you crazy?," I said to myself. But, but, but... but my PowerPoint was done for the talk already; but I was supposed to craft a speech that would lead to a sale at the end of my talk; but I didn't have time to put together a new talk; but what if I blew it changing course at the last minute? But, still... the nudge remained.

So, during lunch I mentioned to the friends I was with that I had this feeling I should throw out the talk I was going to give and speak directly to something I felt very strong about on an energetic level while I was sitting in the room. I told them what my nudge said, and they confirmed 110% that I DID need to scrap my old talk and talk about what I felt needed to be talked about.

So, when I thought about what was at stake both for me and the hundreds of people in the audience, here's what I discovered. What was at stake for me in changing my talk last minute was not looking good, not having time to create a new PowerPoint, not having the space to truly reflect on what I wanted to communicate, etc. (These are things that in the past likely could have stopped me from listening to the nudge.)

Then, as I thought about my audience and what was at stake for them (if I kept myself safe and didn't listen to my inner guidance), what became clear to me is they would leave the event not getting what they needed to take what they learned and truly integrate it into their business and their life.

As soon as this reality struck me, my love for the people in the audience quickly made my decision for me and I followed my heart and gave the talk I was inspired to give, rather than the one I had well prepared.

The result of choosing LOVE instead of fear was phenomenal. Every word of my talk felt touched by grace as I felt guided to share exactly what needed to be shared, when it needed to be shared, without having my rational mind get in the way. And, the response and gratitude I heard from so many of the attendees was overwhelming. So many people thanked me for following my intuition, for being authentic and willing to risk "not looking good" in order to deliver what I felt they needed.

So, this is how LOVE shows up as authentic expression in business. It's about making the decision that is best for the people you are meant to serve, rather than making the decision that will best serve you. True authentic expression in business comes most naturally when you embrace that you and your business are here to love, and to serve. Let that guide you and I assure you grace will bless every step of your journey.

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Monday, April 6, 2009

Guide On Buying South Sea Pearl Necklaces

Of all the pearls around the world, one is revered above all others: the South Sea Pearl. Grown in the deep seas off Australia's coast, the South Sea pearl is prized for its brilliant gold or white shine. Shopping for South Sea pearls can be confusing. An informed shopper should gather as much information as possible so as to make an educated decision.

Grading South Sea Pearls

Pearl necklaces are graded by the Five S's: Shine, Surface, Shade, Shape and Size.

Shine (Luster) is the way that light reflects and shines through the pearl. Because a pearl is an organic object, it often has Surface markings such as nicks, scratches, small indentations and discolorations. (A pearl void of such markings is considered perfect and only accounts for 5-10% of the total amount of pearls harvested each year). Pearls have a wide variety when it comes to color and overtone, with different Shades being considered more desirable than others. Pearl Shape can range all the way from Baroque to Perfect-Round, with different shapes being considered more valuable than others due to their rarity. Size is the total circumference of the pearl, usually measured in millimeters. The combination of these qualities factors in to the total grade of the necklace, resulting in a rating of A, A+, AA, AA+ and AAA. The highest grade for a pearl necklace is AAA quality. AAA pearls are the most desirable and valuable. They are impressive gifts to give someone who especially cares about quality and value.

South Sea Pearl Luster

Shine (Luster) is the way that light reflects from the pearl. It is the most important factor in determining a pearl's value. Luster is what gives the pearl its iridescence and depth. Luster is determined by the thickness of pearl nacre, the coating that makes up the pearl. Very lustrous pearls have a deep-mirror like surface and a bright shine. Pearls with low luster look dull and foggy. South Sea pearls are in possession of thick, creamy nacre and are famous for their rich, silky luster.

One way to examine the luster of a pearl necklace is to lay the strand on a table and look at the pearls from 20 inches away. The sharper and clear

Becoming a Marketer

Following is part one of an interview with Cheryl Benton, owner of 747 Marketing. Their website says, "We've built a consulting business that helps our clients gain unfair competit

The Green Movement - Business Ideas For the Future

The buzz word is green. And you can turn that buzz word into a business. Here I have outlined a few businesses you can consider that will bring in some money and help the environment all at the same time.

Selling Green Cars
No not the color green, but cars that meet the criteria of being environmentally friendly. Are they hybrids? Can they run off of alternative fuels? What is the fuel source that it uses? These are types of green cars. More and more people are demanding better fuel efficiency from their vehicles and just as important they do not want them to run off of gasoline. Capital to start this type of business could be anywhere from ten thousand to a million depending on how large you want to get. But if you want to make a difference this is a good way to do it.

Organic Food
You see the stories on the news about health issues with food. From salmonella to ecoli bacteria outbreaks, how safe is our food when thousands of people are handling it? Organic food offers a safer and more natural way to putting good food on the table. It has taken root so strong that now there is even a certification to let consumers know that certain foods have been inspected to be 100% Organic. This business idea can go off in many directions, from growing the food, transporting it, to selling it at a store so capital here for this business is very broad.

Reusable Shopping Bags
This one has started to explode but overall really just in its infancy. Reusable shopping bags can be sold for any as low as one dollar up to thirty dollars depending on what is printed on them and the size. They replace the traditional paper or plastic question because with reusable shopping bags customers bring them with them everytime they shop. With more and more stores giving small discounts for every bag used this business will go nowhere but up. You can get in on this business for less than one thousand dollars if you find a grocery store to work with and even less if you can find food manufacturers to advertise in a coupon booklet that gets included in each bag when a customer buys one.

Green Financing
Last on our list is green financing. Last because this type of business will require some financing knowledge and course a lot of money to get going. This type of business lends money like a bank or private investor for the sole purpose of starting and running businesses that are green in nature. Capital could be significant for this business and it isn't for the faint of heart. But if you have a mind for finance and could put together a team of investors this could be the way to go.

These green businesses range from the very easy to the very involved just like any other type of business. So do your homework before you begin, talk to some counselors at S.C.O.R.E, write up your business plan and make sure your dot your "I's" and cross your "t's" before you spend your hard earned money.

About the Author
Bruce Tucker is a contributing writer to Mike's How-To Blog, a blog that covers a wide variety of topics and how to do them. You can also follow him on Twitter.

Article Source:

What is the Police Written Exam?

I wanted to talk to you about the police written exam, so that you can be better prepared to write it. A lot of people apply for jobs put out by the police department and that can make it a difficult process in determining who would make a good officer. The best way for them to this is through an exam that they have people write and they just make it extremely hard. This way they fail around 70% of the people that take it and they can move on to interview the rest that passed. I'm going to talk to you about the police written exam, so that you understand what it is.

The first thing that you need to focus on when it comes to the exam is the questions. I know it seems obvious that you should read them, but I suggest you read them a few times. The exam presents a lot of indirect things in it that are designed to grade you, without you evening understanding. The questions can twist and turn, sort of like the statements you get from victims of a crime. You need to be able to follow the twists and turns of a person that is in shock. Often questions are worded in odd ways and you need to read them a few times to really understand it.

Another a

Are You Afraid of Getting Fired?

It seems like every day on the news you hear about the rising of the unemployment rate. Although this is a fact, this information does nothing to encourage confidence. Instead, it just breeds more fear.

According to the numbers I looked at, the highest figures since 1948 were in 1982 and 1983. For ten straight months, from September of 1982 to June of 1983, unemployment stayed above 10%. It got as high as 10.8%. But, we survived.

As a result of the numerous layoffs, many of those who are currently employed have a lot of worry and fear of losing their jobs. This is bringing a lot of stress to the workplace. The result is less productivity, more work related accidents, and even physical health issues.

According to a 2003 study on the physical and mental health effects of surviving layoffs, published by the Institute of Behavioral Science, people who remain employed are "prone

Six Tips to Recession Proof Your Business

Depending on how old you are, this could be your first real economic slowdown. But whether it's your first or third, this is the worst we have seen in 70 years. Sure, we will get through it and will come out stronger. But does that mean that it will not happen again. Not at all. This time we brought it on ourselves and we may have learned our lesson. But it's a global economy the next recession may be triggered by something that happens far away in India or China.

The smart business owner will be looking at ways to recession proof his business. It's not easy but if you follow these 6 tips, you can make your business rece

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Trading Across Borders

This topic looks at the procedural requirements for exporting and importing a standardized cargo of goods. Every official procedure is counted -- from the contractual agreement between the 2 parties to the delivery of goods -- along with the time necessary for completion.

The table below shows the main indicators. They include:

* number of all documents required to export/import goods,
* time necessary to comply with all procedures required to export/import goods, and
* cost associated with all the procedures required to export/import goods

To see the details for a specific economy, use the dropdown box on the right or click on the links below. Click on column headers to sort data.

Export to Excel | Local partners | Methodology
View topic details
Trading on Time (PDF, 100KB), by Simeon Djankov, Caroline Freund, and Cong S. Pham, Nov. 2008 (forthcoming).
Region or Economy Documents for export (number) Time for export (days) Cost to export (US$ per container) Documents for import (number) Time for import (days) Cost to import (US$ per container)
East Asia & Pacific 6.7 23.3 902.3 7.1 24.5 948.5
Eastern Europe & Central Asia 7.1 29.7 1,649.1 8.3 31.7 1,822.2
Latin America & Caribbean 6.9 19.7 1,229.8 7.4 22.3 1,384.3
Middle East & North Africa 6.5 23.3 1,024.4 7.6 26.7 1,204.8
OECD 4.5 10.7 1,069.1 5.1 11.4 1,132.7
South Asia 8.5 33.0 1,339.1 9.0 32.5 1,487.3
Sub-Saharan Africa 7.8 34.7 1,878.8 8.8 41.1 2,278.7
Afghanistan 12 74 3,000 11 77 2,600
Albania 7 21 770 9 22 775
Algeria 8 17 1,248 9 23 1,428
Angola 12 68 2,250 9 62 3,325
Antigua and Barbuda 5 15 1,133 6 15 1,133
Argentina 9 13 1,480 7 18 1,810
Armenia 7 30 1,746 9 24 1,981
Australia 6 9 1,200 6 12 1,239
Austria 4 7 1,125 5 8 1,125
Azerbaijan 9 48 3,075 14 56 3,420
Bahamas, the 6 16 930 6 13 1,380
Bahrain 5 14 805 6 15 845
Bangladesh 6 28 970 8 32 1,375
Belarus 8 20 1,772 8 26 1,720
Belgium 4 8 1,619 5 9 1,600
Belize 7 21 1,810 6 21 2,145
Benin 7 32 1,237 7 40 1,393
Bhutan 8 38 1,210 11 38 2,140
Bolivia 8 19 1,425 7 23 1,747
Bosnia and Herzegovina 6 16 1,070 7 16 1,035
Botswana 6 31 2,508 9 42 3,064
Brazil 8 14 1,240 7 19 1,275
Brunei 6 28 630 6 19 708
Bulgaria 5 23 1,626 7 21 1,776
Burkina Faso 11 45 2,132 11 54 3,630
Burundi 9 47 2,147 10 71 3,705
Cambodia 11 22 732 11 30 872
Cameroon 9 27 995 8 33 1,672
Canada 3 7 1,660 4 11 1,785
Cape Verde 5 19 1,325 5 18 1,129
Central African Republic 8 57 5,121 18 66 5,074
Chad 6 78 5,367 9 102 6,020
Chile 6 21 745 7 21 795
China 7 21 460 6 24 545
Colombia 6 14 1,690 8 15 1,640
Comoros 10 30 1,073 10 21 1,057
Congo, Dem. Rep. 8 46 2,607 9 66 2,483
Congo, Rep. 11 50 2,490 12 62 2,959
Costa Rica 7 18 1,050 8 25 1,050
Côte d'Ivoire 10 23 1,904 9 43 2,437
Croatia 7 20 1,281 8 16 1,141
Czech Republic 4 17 985 7 20 1,087
Denmark 4 5 681 3 5 681
Djibouti 5 19 1,058 5 16 978
Dominica 7 13 1,297 8 15 1,310
Dominican Republic 6 9 916 7 10 1,150
Ecuador 9 20 1,345 7 29 1,332
Egypt 6 14 737 6 15 823
El Salvador 8 14 880 9 10 820
Equatorial Guinea 7 30 1,411 7 49 1,411
Eritrea 9 50 1,431 13 60 1,581
Estonia 3 5 730 4 5 740
Ethiopia 8 46 2,087 8 42 2,893
Fiji 13 24 654 13 24 630
Finland 4 8 495 5 8 575
France 2 9 1,078 2 11 1,248
Gabon 7 20 1,945 8 22 1,955
Gambia, the 6 24 831 8 23 922
Georgia 8 12 1,380 7 14 1,340
Germany 4 7 822 5 7 887
Ghana 6 19 1,003 7 29 1,130
Greece 5 20 1,153 6 25 1,265
Grenada 6 16 1,131 5 20 1,478
Guatemala 10 19 1,182 10 18 1,302
Guinea 7 33 720 9 32 1,191
Guinea-Bissau 6 25 1,545 6 24 2,349
Guyana 7 30 1,050 8 35 1,056
Haiti 8 43 1,020 10 37 1,560
Honduras 7 20 1,163 10 23 1,190
Hong Kong, China 4 6 625 4 5 633
Hungary 5 18 1,300 7 17 1,290
Iceland 5 15 1,109 5 14 1,183
India 8 17 945 9 20 960
Indonesia 5 21 704 6 27 660
Iran 8 26 1,011 10 42 1,656
Iraq 10 102 3,900 10 101 3,900
Ireland 4 7 1,109 4 12 1,121
Israel 5 12 665 4 12 605
Italy 5 20 1,305 5 18 1,305
Jamaica 6 21 1,750 6 22 1,420
Japan 4 10 989 5 11 1,047
Jordan 7 19 730 7 22 1,290
Kazakhstan 11 89 3,005 13 76 3,055
Kenya 9 29 2,055 8 26 2,190
Kiribati 6 21 1,070 7 21 1,070
Korea 4 8 767 6 8 747
Kuwait 8 20 995 10 20 1,152
Kyrgyz Republic 13 64 3,000 13 75 3,250
Lao PDR 9 50 1,860 10 50 2,040
Latvia 6 13 900 6 12 850
Lebanon 5 27 872 7 38 1,073
Lesotho 6 44 1,549 8 49 1,715
Liberia 10 20 1,232 9 17 1,212
Lithuania 6 10 870 6 13 980
Luxembourg 5 6 1,420 4 6 1,420
Macedonia, FYR 6 17 1,315 6 15 1,325
Madagascar 4 23 1,279 9 27 1,660
Malawi 12 45 1,671 10 54 2,550
Malaysia 7 18 450 7 14 450
Maldives 8 21 1,348 9 20 1,348
Mali 9 38 2,012 11 42 2,902
Marshall Islands 5 21 875 5 33 875
Mauritania 11 35 1,520 11 42 1,523
Mauritius 5 17 725 6 16 677
Mexico 5 17 1,472 5 23 2,700
Micronesia 3 30 1,255 6 30 1,255
Moldova 6 32 1,775 7 35 1,895
Mongolia 8 49 2,131 8 49 2,274
Montenegro 9 18 1,710 7 19 1,910
Morocco 7 14 700 10 18 1,000
Mozambique 8 26 1,200 10 32 1,475
Namibia 11 29 1,686 9 24 1,813
Nepal 9 41 1,764 10 35 1,900
Netherlands 4 6 895 5 6 1,020
New Zealand 7 10 868 5 9 850
Nicaragua 5 29 1,300 5 29 1,420
Niger 8 59 3,545 10 64 3,545
Nigeria 10 25 1,179 9 42 1,306
Norway 4 7 780 4 7 709
Oman 10 22 821 10 26 1,037
Pakistan 9 24 611 8 18 680
Palau 6 29 1,170 10 33 1,132
Panama 3 9 729 4 9 879
Papua New Guinea 7 26 664 9 29 722
Paraguay 9 35 915 10 33 1,200
Peru 7 24 875 8 25 895
Philippines 8 16 816 8 16 819
Poland 5 17 884 5 27 884
Portugal 6 16 685 7 16 999
Puerto Rico 7 15 1,250 10 16 1,250
Qatar 5 21 735 7 20 657
Romania 5 12 1,275 6 13 1,175
Russian Federation 8 36 2,150 13 36 2,150
Rwanda 9 42 3,275 10 42 5,070
Samoa 7 27 820 7 31 848
São Tomé and Principe 8 27 690 8 29 577
Saudi Arabia 5 17 681 5 18 678
Senegal 6 14 1,078 5 18 1,920
Serbia 6 12 1,398 6 14 1,559
Seychelles 6 17 1,839 5 19 1,839
Sierra Leone 7 29 1,450 7 34 1,535
Singapore 4 5 456 4 3 439
Slovakia 6 25 1,445 8 25 1,445
Slovenia 6 20 1,075 8 21 1,130
Solomon Islands 7 24 1,011 4 21 1,194
South Africa 8 30 1,445 9 35 1,721
Spain 6 9 1,121 8 10 1,121
Sri Lanka 8 21 865 6 20 895
St. Kitts and Nevis 6 12 850 6 14 938
St. Lucia 5 15 1,425 8 18 1,470
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 6 12 1,770 6 13 1,769
Sudan 6 35 2,050 6 49 2,900
Suriname 8 25 975 7 25 885
Swaziland 9 21 2,184 11 33 2,249
Sweden 4 8 697 3 6 735
Switzerland 4 8 1,537 5 9 1,505
Syria 8 15 1,190 9 21 1,625
Taiwan, China 7 13 757 7 12 769
Tajikistan 10 82 3,150 10 83 4,550
Tanzania 5 24 1,262 7 31 1,475
Thailand 4 14 625 3 13 795
Timor-Leste 6 25 1,010 7 26 1,015
Togo 6 24 940 8 29 963
Tonga 7 19 650 6 25 725
Trinidad and Tobago 5 14 866 6 26 1,100
Tunisia 5 17 733 7 23 858
Turkey 7 14 940 8 15 1,063
Uganda 6 39 3,090 7 37 3,290
Ukraine 6 31 1,230 10 36 1,250
United Arab Emirates 5 10 618 7 10 587
United Kingdom 4 13 1,030 4 13 1,350
United States 4 6 990 5 5 1,245
Uruguay 10 19 1,100 10 22 1,330
Uzbekistan 7 80 3,100 11 104 4,600
Vanuatu 7 26 1,497 9 30 1,392
Venezuela 8 49 2,590 9 71 2,868
Vietnam 6 24 734 8 23 901
West Bank and Gaza 6 25 835 6 40 1,225
Yemen 6 31 1,129 9 28 1,475
Zambia 6 53 2,664 9 64 3,335
Zimbabwe 7 53 2,678 9 73 3,999

Tahitian Pearls

Tahitian Pearls

Tahitian pearls, symbols of luxury and perfection, are long sought for their exceptional beauty and value. Tahitian pearls are valued as queen of pearls and creation of the sea. Tahitian pearls are named after the tropical island of Tahiti. Tahiti’s black lipped oysters yield a unique array of iridescent black, gray and greenish black pearls. Employing Japanese cultured akoya pearl cultivation techniques, farmers in French Polynesia began cultivating large black pearls in 1965. Nowadays, Tahitian pearl farming has spread over thousands of miles around this island. Due to Tahiti’s government promotion, demand for black Tahitian pearls rise 5-10% a year.

Tahitian Pearl Quality
Six factors determine Tahitian pearl quality: luster, nacre thickness, surface, color, size, shape.

Nacre Thickness
Nacre thickness is the most important factor when measuring Tahitian pearl quality. It determines how long the beauty of Tahitian pearls will last. Tahitian pearls with thick nacre will last a life time, while Tahitian pearls with thin nacre won’t last long, their nacre will wear off over time.

French Polynesia Government has set up a minimum nacre thickness of 0.8mm for Tahitian pearls. Tahitian pearls with less than 0.8mm nacre thickness are prohibited from exporting.

Surface Quality
There are four grades to rate the surface quality of Tahitian pearls: A, B, C, D. A quality Tahitian pearls are the highest quality and they are the most valuable.

A Quality: Tahitian pearls with very high luster and clean surface (one to a few slight flaws are distributed over less than 10% of the pearl surface)

B Quality: Tahitian pearls with medium to high luster and slight surface imperfection (some slight flaws are distributed over 30% of the pearl surface)

C Quality: Tahitian pearls with medium luster and medium surface imperfection (some slight flaws are distributed over 60% of the pearl surface.

D Quality: Tahitian pearls are heavily spotted (many slight flaws or several deep flaws are distributed over 60% of the pearl surface)

Luster is the best expression of a pearl's beauty. It is the quality of the light reflections from the pearl’s surface. Luster measures pearl surface shininess. High quality Tahitian pearls have high luster and mirror-like finish. Thick nacre results in high luster. Tahitian pearls with sharp and intense light reflection have high luster and a metal-like steely look.

Most common sizes for Tahitian pearls range from 8mm to 14mm. Some Tahitian pearls are 16mm and very rarely over 18mm. The largest Tahitian pearl in the world is 21mm for a round pearl and 25mm for a semi-round pearl. The larger the pearls, the more valuable the pearls are.

Tahitian pearls have the following shapes:
• round
• semi-round
• semi-baroque
• baroque
• ringed or circled

Among all shapes, round is the most desirable and valuable. Other shapes may have special appeal to jewelry artists.

Round pearls are almost perfect spheres. Round Tahitian pearls are rare and the production rate only accounts for 5-10% of Tahitian pearls produced each year.

Semi-round pearls are nearly round.

Semi-baroque pearls are subdivided into four shapes: drop, button, pear and oval.

Baroque pearls are described as irregular shapes.

Black-lipped oysters produce the natural black color of Tahitian pearls. Although Tahitian Pearls are famous for their black natural color, they have a wide range of colors including black, grey, blue, green and brown. These colors are referred as body color. Body colors are enhanced by at least one overtone colors. Overtone colors include blue, gold, silver, pink and reddish purple.

Different names are given to a combination of overtone and body colors.

Peacock: greenish black
Pistachio: greenish gray
Cherry: purplish black
Champagne: yellowish gray
Lavender: bluish black
Tahitian gold: golden black
Pigeon grey: purplish gray
Silver: gray
Moon grey: pale gray

Among these colors, peacock and Pistachio are the most popular colors. Tahitian pearls with peacock and pistachio colors have a higher value than pearls with other colors.

Buying Tahitian Pearls
When buying Tahitian pearl jewelry, color, quality, size, design, setting, and matching of Tahitian pearl jewelry need to be paid attention. Low quality Tahitian pearls (medium or heavy blemishes) are only worth small fraction of top quality Tahitian pearls (flawless or very slightly spotted). It is important to ask the stores you shop to provide detailed information on their Tahitian pearl quality.

Real Tahitian Pearls and Imitation Tahitian Pearls
Be cautious about imitation Tahitian pearls sold in the market. Here are some tips about the differences between real Tahitian pearls and imitation Tahitian pearls.

Real Tahitian pearls have the following characters:

1. Real Tahitian pearls have overtones or hue: green, gray, blue, peacock, eggplant or magenta. Real Tahitian pearls have a faint reddish glow when viewed through crossed filters.
2. Real Tahitian pearls are cold to the touch. They can quickly adopt body temperature.
3. Real Tahitian pearls are gritty when rubbed across the teeth.
4. Drilled holes are smooth around the edges.
5. Real Tahitian pearls are heavy to hold.

Imitation Tahitian pearls have the following characters:

1. Imitation Tahitian pearls only have one body color; they don’t have any overtone colors or hues. The color looks very flat.
2. Imitation Tahitian pearls always have the same temperature as their environment. When touching them on your skin, you won’t feel coolness from the pearls.
3. Imitation Tahitian pearls are smooth on teeth.
4. Drilled holes are bumpy, as if pearls are melted during drilling.
5. Imitation Tahitian pearls are light in weight.
6. When viewed under a 10 x lens, bubbles or mat patterns will be seen under the surface of imitation Tahitian pearls.

Provided by

About is a leading online provider of Tahitian Pearls and cultured pearl jewelry. For more information on Tahitian pearls, visit us at